We only exist because YOU care

The Leadership Forum Community is a tax-exempt, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, organized for the purpose of education. We are more dedicated than ever to expand conscious leadership locally and globally so that we leave a legacy of leaders that provide direction, alignment and commitment with awareness, equity, and empathy. Each person we touch has an impact locally that ripples across the globe to strengthen conscious leadership. We ask that you help us reach more people and empower more leaders to make meaningful, positive change. We are only able to continue our work through the generous donations from our community. Donations are tax deductible and are often eligible for employer’s matching funds. The Leadership Forum Community is registered with Benevity used by many corporations to facilitate matching fund donations.

Give the gift of Leadership and

help us grow our Conscious Leadership Tree!

$50 – adds a leaf to our tree
$75 – adds an apple to our tree
$150 – adds a root to our tree
$250 – expands our trunk
$500 – waters our tree for a year
$1000 – adds a branch and all of its leaves

Program Fund

which supports the current programming initiatives

and the development of new programs and services.

Scholarship Fund

which provides the means for people to attend

our paid programming who can’t afford to pay.

Endowment Fund

which is a new fund created to build

a sustainable future for the organization.

There are several channels available for supporting

the Leadership Forum Community (LFC) now and into the future:

Direct Donation

We accept gifts made by:

  • Credit card via the payment portals above
  • Check – Checks may be made payable to the Leadership Forum Community, with the name of your designated fund included in the memo field.
  • Matching funds from your employer – Please let us know if you have requested a matching gift by sending us an email at inbox@leadershipforumcommunity.org.

Become a Sustainer

A great way to ensure the continued impact of the LFC is to set up a secure automated monthly donation with your credit card. You determine the amount and each month the LFC will receive your ongoing donation. This allows you to spread your gift out over several months. Besides providing sustained funding, our Sustainers allow us to manage our budget throughout the year. To be a Sustainer, you must make your payment with a credit card via the payment portals above and be sure to type “Yes”in the Recurring Payments Monthly box. These monthly payments may be discontinued at anytime by contacting us at inbox@leadershipforumcommunity.org

IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution

Depending on your situation, you may find this option can help you meet your philanthropic goals while also providing additional tax benefits. If you are 70.5 years old or older, you are eligible to make charitable gifts directly from our individual retirement account (IRA). These gifts satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.


The benefits are, it:

  • Satisfies your required minimum distribution.
  • Reduces your taxable income/ avoids taxes on transfers up to $100,000/ year.
  • Avoids the 50% deduction limit on charitable gifts.
  • Provides support to further the mission of the LFC.


Making a gift from your IRA is easy.

  1. Contact your IRA plan administrator to initiate the gift. The funds will be transferred directly from your IRA to the Leadership Forum Community. You will need to provide your plan administrator with our Legal Name, Federal Tax ID#, and address as written at bottom of this page.
  2. After you initiate the transfer, contact us at inbox@leadershipforumcommunity.org to notify us and to identify whether you wish the donation to go to the General Program Fund, Scholarship Fund, or the Endowment Fund.

Legacy Gifts

Looking at the long term, please consider including the Leadership Forum Community in your estate planning. This will ensure your impact on leadership continues for the years to come. If you choose to make a legacy gift, please let us know by sending us this confidential Legacy Gift Statement of Intent to indicate your planned gift and designate the desired fund. You may download or print this document. The information you provide is not legally binding and may be changed at any time in the future. When making your beneficiary designation, please use the Legal Name, Federal Tax ID#, and address as written at bottom of this page.

The following are some of the legacy options available to you:


Bequest in a Will
You may name the Leadership Forum Community in your will and designate your preferred fund.


Retirement Plan Beneficiary Designation
You may name the Leadership Forum Community as the beneficiary of your Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 401(k) or 403(b).


Life Insurance
Life insurance is one of the easiest ways to leave a legacy. Simply name the Leadership Forum Community as a beneficiary.


Charitable Gift Annuity
If you have a charitable gift annuity (CGA), you can make a tax-deductible gift today by naming the Leadership Forum Community as a beneficiary and continue to receive guaranteed income for your lifetime. Consult your financial advisor to get more information on Charitable Gift Annuities if you wish to set one up.

Information You May Need to Make a Gift

Legal Name: Leadership Forum Community
Address: Leadership Forum Community
350 Northern Blvd, STE 324-1085
Albany, NY 12204-1000
Federal Tax ID#: 84-2250315